Customer setup
Create new customer environment
Configure portal
Configure portal
Optional customer portal configurations
Portal settings
1. Create a logo with a transparent background
2. Responsive design and how to choose a colour to match your company logo
3. Homepage refinement
Customer settings
1. Address selection in the order
2. Budget configuration
3. Complaints
4. Import settings
5. Orderscreen settings
6. Payment methods
7. Signaling settings
8. User settings
9. Workflow setup
10. E-mail settings
11. Language settings
Manage assortment
1. Product groups
2. Products
3. Sizes: Product inventory and price
How to find your Assortment items in the orderscreen
Manage sets
Normal sets
Start set
Personal set
Bulk set
Set validations
Manage user accounts
Search users
Add new user
Change existing user
User agreement
Custom URL
Web address of a customer site (URL)
Portal checklist
Database Variable Characteristics
Database Variable characteristics module
Create class
Create attribute
Change attribute
Delete attribute
Additional Companies
Linking additional companies
Ordering for persons under additional companies
Approve orders for additional companies
Validation settings
Set validations
Minimum number of points
Maximum number of points
Maximum amount per product
Multiple of a product
Available stock
Set up Budget
Allocate budget
Person budget
Budget tasks
Payment method with a Mollie account
Payment method with a Mollie account
User agreement
User agreement
1. Employment types
2. Functions
3. Product groups
4. Products
5. Assortment
6. Departments
7. Persons
8. Addresses
9. Attributes
10. Sets
11. Set validations
12. Set assignments
13. Department set assignments
14. Custom products
15. User settings
16. Inventory
17. Person measurements
18. Person budget
19. Department budget
20. Order costs
21. Order statusses
22. Return reasons
23. Attributes complete
24. Additional departments
25. Projects
26. Validate return
Login page for all customers
Convert Historical Data
Import balance of points per person
Import items in possession
Import sheets
Additional modules
Stock module
Business hours
Add business hours
Notification business hours
Single Sign On
Models of Single Sign On
Setting up Single Sign On
How is the customer’s SSO solution going to be linked to Ecmanage (IDP Initiated Login)
Additional possibilities Single Sign On
Integration Procurement systems
How is the integration structured
Template based shoppingcart transfer using OCI
cXML protocol
Confirmation message approval purchase order
Procurement systems
ERP Systems
Ecmanage Upload Tool
Folder structure
Diff logic
Processing log when there are errors
Release notes
2024-06-18 Ecmanage 6.1
2023-11-30 Ecmanage 6.0.1
2023-10-25 Ecmanage 6.0
2023-08-26 Ecmanage 5.7.3
2022-12-20 Ecmanage 5.7.2
2022-05-31 Ecmanage 5.7.1
2022-02-10 Ecmanage 5.7
2021-11-09 Ecmanage 5.6
2020-12-22 Ecmanage 5.5
2020-07-22 Ecmanage 5.4
2020-04-07 Ecmanage 5.3
2020-01-07 Ecmanage 5.2
2019-09-18 Ecmanage 5.1
2019-06-26 Ecmanage 5.0
2019-03-26 Ecmanage 4.7
Checklist accountmanagers
Import sheets
Excel templates
CSV templates