Ecmanage Upload Tool

Date: 2025-03-04
Version: 1.0


The Ecmanage upload tool can be used to automatically upload import files to Ecmanage. The tool goes through the following process to upload the files to ecmanage.

As a first step each file is checked if the file has the correct format. Please check the import formats that are allowed.

The next step is that when there are multiple files they are processed in the correct order. When a productgroup and product import file is present for example, the productgroup file will be processed first because the product file might reference the data.

And the last step is that the file is uploaded to the correct ecmanage environment.

Folder structure

The Upload tool has a configuration file which references an “In” directory. Any files placed in this directotry will be uploaded to the supplier environment. When a subdirectory is created in the In folder using the Acro name of a customer environment any files placed in that directory will be uploaded to the respective customer environment.

Diff logic

The upload tool has an automatic detector for files that have no differences. In such a case the data is NOT uploaded to Ecmanage. The way this works is that if there are daily uploads the tool will check for a certain amount of days, usually 5 days. And it will compare each data line of the new file with all the files from the last 5 days for instance. When the data line is present and unchanged for all 5 days the data line is removed from the diff file which will be uploaded.

Processing log when there are errors

Each uploaded import file will be placed in a queue on the Ecmanage platform, you can view this queue using the Maintenance Import data menu in Ecmanage. There you can see manually uploaded files as well as automatically uploaded files. There is the option to receive a process log when the import has errors. In order to receive this option the configuration in the Upload tool needs to have an email address to send errors to.