Additional Companies

Datum: 2019-11-29
Versie: 1.0

It is possible to link additional companies to a user. It is then possible to order and/or assess orders for users of these additional companies.


Go to Maintenance >> Permissions and check the permissions for the roles that should be able to order and/or assess for additional companies: image1

Linking additional companies

Go to Maintenance >> User accounts, find the desired user here and press the pen (pen) to manage the profile of this user. Under “Additional companies”, select the desired additional companies and press Add to link them to the user: image2

By selecting “Incl. hierarchy”, all possible underlying companies will also be available. It is also possible to import additional companies. See the Import manual for more information.

Note: Each additional company will be added to the selection list. This can result in companies being shown twice.

Ordering for persons under additional companies

If a person is authorised to order for additional companies, and has linked additional companies, additional companies can be selected in the order screen for someone else from the company selection menu:


By selecting a company, you can search for persons within that company. After this, the order is placed for the person as usual.

Approve orders for additional companies

Provided that a person has the authority to approve orders from additional companies, and has linked additional companies, additional companies can be selected in the order review screen.

By selecting a company, the orders belonging to that company that are waiting to be approved are shown. After this, the assessment works as usual.