.. _functionalities-additional-companies: Additional Companies #################### | Datum: 2019-11-29 | Versie: 1.0 It is possible to link additional companies to a user. It is then possible to order and/or assess orders for users of these additional companies. Permissions =========== Go to ``Maintenance >> Permissions`` and check the permissions for the roles that should be able to order and/or assess for additional companies: |Image1| Linking additional companies ============================ Go to ``Maintenance >> User accounts``, find the desired user here and press the pen (|pen|) to manage the profile of this user. Under "Additional companies", select the desired additional companies and press Add to link them to the user: |Image2| | By selecting "Incl. hierarchy", all possible underlying companies will also be available. It is also possible to import additional companies. See the |lnk_import| manual for more information. Note: Each additional company will be added to the selection list. This can result in companies being shown twice.   Ordering for persons under additional companies =============================================== If a person is authorised to order for additional companies, and has linked additional companies, additional companies can be selected in the order screen for someone else from the company selection menu: |Image3| By selecting a company, you can search for persons within that company. After this, the order is placed for the person as usual. Approve orders for additional companies ======================================= Provided that a person has the authority to approve orders from additional companies, and has linked additional companies, additional companies can be selected in the order review screen. By selecting a company, the orders belonging to that company that are waiting to be approved are shown. After this, the assessment works as usual. .. |image1| image:: media/image1.png .. |image2| image:: media/image2.png .. |image3| image:: media/image3.png .. |pen| image:: media/pen.png .. |lnk_import| replace:: :ref:`Import `